Custom Report Templates

You can deploy your own report templates using a python package.

The default templates repository contains a full example of the layout of such a package. It should be noted, that the default report template is quite minimalistic, because you may use a custom one anyway.

Enable Report Template

To enable to the report template, add the following lines to your file.

# Report Templates
    "default": 'vulnman_default_templates.report_templates.default_template',
    "my_report": 'my_package.report_templates.my_report'


The setting above enables both, the default template and your custom one.


The report generator will automatically check the existence of the scss/main.scss file in the report’s template directory. If this file exists, the stylesheets are automatically used in your report template.

Template Context

You have the full power of the django templating engine in your report template.


Translation files are located in locale directory.

To create the required text files, run the following command:

django-admin makemessages -l de -i "venv*" -i "build*" -i "dist*" -i "my_package.egg-info*"

Replace de with your language code. You can now edit the django.po file. If you are done, you need to run the following command:

django-admin compilemessages